Dr. Andrew Hwang listed among Top Doctors 2014
- Dr. Andrew Hwang is one of the Top Doctors in 2014 in Pediatric Urology!
Dr. Andrew Hwang has been listed among the Top Doctors nearly every year from 2014-2022 in the category of Pediatric Urology.
We would like to mention that the list was compiled before Dr. Hwang started Las Vegas Pediatric Urology in January 2014. Therefore, some of the information on the Top Doctor website is not up-to-date.
Please note that as of January 1, 2014, Dr. Andrew Hwang is no longer affiliated with Urology Specialists of Nevada.
The primary hospital where Dr. Hwang operates now is Summerlin Hospital and Medical Center.
Dr. Hwang’s NEW office is located within Summerlin Medical Center, in Medical Office Building 1 (MOB-1)
653 N. Town Center Drive, Suite 407. Las Vegas, NV 89144. (Tap to show location on Google Map)
Call to make an appointment: (702) 728-5686. Tap to call on smart phone.